Take it easy, Crab. The Sun is in savasana for the first three weeks of the month, relaxing in Gemini and your twelfth house of healing and closure.

This is your annual “low-power” cycle, a time to nest, rest and release. Before your birthday time and #CancerSeason kick into gear on June 21, clear the decks of anything you don’t want to bring into your next year of life. Resolve resentments, wrap up lingering projects and do some soul-searching.

Don’t be surprised if you’re tired or unfocused—just roll with the right-brained energy for now and don’t force yourself to rally when you feel tapped out. With el Sol in this dreamy space (along with mental Mercury, which is in Gemini until June 12), your subconscious is activated.

Dreams could be vivid and prophetic, and your instincts are on point. You’ll absorb people’s energy like a sponge (so watch who you spend your time with). Pay special attention to coincidences, strong gut feelings and serendipities. That’s the universe guiding you, Cancer!

That divine wisdom will be especially palpable at the Gemini new moon on June 13. Hosting a new moon of fresh starts in your twelfth house of endings is a bit of a paradox. But if you think of the “circle of life,” endings naturally flow into beginnings.

What can you clear away to make space for something new? This new moon will also amplify your intuition, so follow any hunches. Tap in to higher wisdom with meditation, journaling or creative visualization. Energetic seeds planted today could blossom in the next six months. If there were a perfect new moon for writing down intentions and asking the universe for clear signs, this is it!

Father’s Day is June 17, and the moon will be in Leo, ruler of your classy second house. Treat your favorite father figure to a sophisticated celebration or splurge on a special gift. Think: small personalized touches like monogramming or engraving his initials into a beautiful accessory.

It doesn’t have to be fussy, just something thoughtful that adds a touch of dad-friendly style to his world. Arts and culture are emphasized under this moon, so grab tickets to a live show, update his sound system with a great speaker or head to a food festival for family fun.

The next day, June 18, hazy Neptune turns retrograde, an event that happens around the same dates every year. Neptune will reverse through Pisces and your expansive ninth house, throwing off your risk-assessment gauges.

You could overshoot the mark now, gambling on something without proper research or falling for a smooth talker’s exciting but pie-in-the-sky promises. Between now and November 24, be especially careful what you say yes to: Conduct due diligence, ask for references (and use them), read those reviews. The ninth house rules travel, so check out the comments on TripAdvisor before you book that “sweet resort deal.”

Since retrogrades connect us to the past, you might be better off revisiting an old favorite spot (especially near water). Neptune’s U-turn in your knowledge-seeking ninth house could be great for resuming an old course of study or immersing yourself in a favorite metaphysical practice. Head to the air-conditioned library on sweltering summer days—there’s gold in ‘dem dusty stacks!

Rub the sleep out of your eyes on June 21, when the Sun enters Cancer, waking you up and getting you psyched for a fresh start. Your energy reboots, and, if you let yourself rejuvenate this month, you’ll have a full tank just in time. If you’ve been unclear about next steps, you’ll be ready for decisive moves now. The path will start to look clearer with each passing day.

But that doesn’t mean you should rush into anything. On June 26, action planet Mars will also turn retrograde, bringing the total count of retrograde planets to FIVE (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto have all been back-spinning for a couple months now). With so many slowed-down celestial bodies, it’s important that you also pace yourself, retracing your steps if necessary and evaluating things thoroughly before locking down commitments.

Mars will be retrograde until August 27, which will largely impact your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources, since Mars is in Aquarius from May 16 until August 12.

Having the passionate and fiery planet going rogue here could drive up jealousy, competitiveness or buried resentments (yikes!). You may need to slow down or press pause on a romantic, sexual or financial entanglement that’s moved too fast for YOUR own good. Have you skipped the necessary steps in your rush to seal the deal?

For couples who hit a rocky patch, the Mars retrograde cycle is a crucial time to work through your differences (ideally with a professional). If you decide to part ways, it could get acrimonious, especially if you’re dividing shared property or if kids and pets are involved.

Get a mediator if necessary. While you may not hit the “conscious uncoupling” nirvana of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin (#goals), make every effort not to get dragged into ugly power struggles and damaging dynamics.

The two days after Mars turns retrograde will also have a strong relationship emphasis. On June 27, the Sun makes its once-a-year opposition to somber Saturn, which is in Capricorn and your seventh house of partnerships.

Have you lost touch with yourself or made someone else’s needs more important than your own? (#CancerProblems) You could have a wakeup call about the impact of that. You can’t avoid your own life by trying to manage someone else’s.

If a relationship has turned toxic, whether romantic or business, boundary hound Saturn can help you take an essential step back to evaluate. Warning: The Sun-Saturn opposition can make you extra pessimistic, to the point of losing perspective. Hold off on making an irreversible decision until you’re certain it’s the right thing to do.

The next day, June 28, brings the year’s only full moon in Capricorn, which could deliver sought-after clarity around your commitments. If you’ve been waiting for word on a contract or sitting on the fence about a key alliance, this lunar lift could spur you into action.

Full moons bring transitions and manifestations. A relationship could turn official—or you may decide to formally part ways. This balancing full moon gets your existing bonds back in sync.

If you’re giving too much to some or leaning too heavily on others, these moonbeams can get you in a more mutual groove. With structured Saturn hovering close by, a conversation about boundaries and expectations could really help! /by TheAstroTwins