Mercury ends its retrograde period today, dear Sagittarius, and while it may be more chaotic or confusing than most days, this shift in direction can bring improved communications and more clarity in romantic and creative affairs in the coming days and weeks.

Be slightly more vigilant when it comes to following instructions and expressing yourself today, but you can look forward to the lifting of certain delays and blocks going forward.

The New Moon tonight falls in your creative solar fifth house and in the sign of Aries, which is a sister Fire sign that has the enthusiasm to match yours!

In the week ahead, you are motivated to begin new projects, particularly expressive, creative ones, and you could experience a reawakening of feelings in a relationship. Your mood is fresh and expansive.

Aim to make a fresh start. This is a time of new directions or beginnings related to creative projects, hobbies, romance, dating, and leisure time or the pursuit of your passions.

Nearly everyone wants to be in your company when you are feeling confident about yourself and your life’s trajectory.

Thankfully, you can barely contain your enthusiasm for any project or activity that gives you reason to display your creative side.

The incorrigible Aries New Moon triggers your 5th House of Fun and Games, reminding you of the importance of spontaneity. Let your inner child out to play.

Just as Venus is getting ready to move into her most important days in your work sector, a New Moon in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart brings home a need for balance.

With the Moon in your work sector and with Venus by tomorrow and the Sun by the weekend, they will be doing what they can to make today’s New Moon count. The power is still on the playful side of the fence.

Author Tom Robbins wrote, “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.”

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Fair

Lucky Numbers: 15, 22, 36, 41, 47, 49

Daily Compatibility: Libra