It can be difficult to please both your need for rest and withdrawal and your desire for company or the needs of a friend, dear Aries.

Avoid stressing over the little things. Try not to say the first thing that comes to your mind for the time being with Mercury and Venus in a minor challenging aspect.

Take the time to sort out your thoughts, or write them down to see if they’re worth voicing. Nevertheless, this is a fine day for taking steps to secure or safeguard your things or for taking care of a money matter.

The Moon in your resources sector has just aligned with Uranus and harmonizes with Saturn today, and you’re ready to make changes that will benefit you for a long time.

Your stamina level increases and your emotions are settling in. Focus on ways to stabilize your life so that you can meet upcoming busy days with more confidence.

A little discretionary shopping sounds delightful today, especially if you’re in the market for something to beautify your nest. Your enthusiasm is understandable while impulsive Mars dances with the materialistic Taurus Moon in your 4th House of Domestic Conditions.

But don’t go overboard indulging every whim now, for unforeseen expenses can pop up at a moment’s notice. Splurging is fine but keep some cash in reserve, just in case. Money comes and money goes; it’s what you do with it that matters.

Just six days after Uranus wrapped up a nearly nine year visit to Aries, lucky Jupiter begins a two week alignment with the planet that is keeping your journey forward rock solid.

Eris, warrior princess of the cosmos has been in Aries since 1926 and is here for another three decades, so is the one planet you can rely on to know where you’ve been and where you’re going.

Jupiter’s adventurous influence is injected into this from today, reigniting your enthusiasm for the journey, whatever that means for you.

Today’s Quote: “It all begins with you. If you do not take care of yourself, you will not be strong enough to take care of anything in life.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 5, 11, 19, 24, 28

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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