You are in the position to face up to reality through your interactions with a significant person in your life, dear Cancer, with Venus and Saturn meeting in your partnership sector.
Relationships have something to teach you about yourself, or they take on a little more seriousness now. Aim to put false hopes behind you and make room for healthier situations going forward.
Keep in mind that this is not the time to push for something new, but making a reassessment can work well. As the day advances, things lighten up considerably. Minds open, and this feels wonderful.
There can be some inclination, however, to gloss over or adjust previously held beliefs and morals today. Do take advice received now with a grain of salt. In as soon as a few weeks, you might question what you’re currently putting faith into.
Your general outlook expands to include uncharted territory. You become slightly untamable while the Sun gallops through your 9th House of Adventure for the next four weeks.
Although you’re motivated by an unwavering dedication to your tribe, you are willing to drop anyone who tries to block your freedom of expression now.
In actuality, the only limitation you may face is financial. Review your holdings and allocate resources to secure your expedition. Never forget happiness is a journey, not a destination.
There is a good chance that life will start to feel a lot lighter, less heavy and that you will feel more liberated, able to breathe and embrace life from today.
This is a combination of two factors that overlap. The first is that Mars’ departure from your career sector last week has seen the pressure drop back on both the job and career fronts.
What takes it that step further is the Sun’s return to an adventurous part of your chart today, able to take advantage of a less busy pace.
Today’s Quote: “Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.”
Lucky Numbers: 3, 21, 23, 27, 33, 35
Daily Compatibility: Scorpio
Creativity: Good
Love: Excellent
Business: Fair