It’s much easier than usual today to forget your troubles, dear Cancer, and you may very well need a break from concerns.
You readily slip into others’ shoes and adjust your behavior accordingly, without compromising your individuality in the process.
The Moon’s move into your partnership sector sensitizes you to your relationships more than usual, and its helpful aspects to Mars and the Sun open up the doors for activities that boost your sense of independence at the same time.
An approaching Venus-Uranus aspect reminds you that if you require something new and fresh, it’s best to recognize this need proactively and find ways to brighten your interactions.
You may wander aimlessly when left to your own devices today. Partnerships allow you to find directions you would not have considered on your own.
Close friends or significant companions draw out your desire to travel and learn new skills, prompting you to put effort into your dreams.
There’s no reason to replicate anyone else’s plans; instead, use their example to blaze your own trail. Build bridges with your counterparts and explore the lands that open up to you. Respect and trust go hand in hand.
Having the Moon in your relationship sector during Venus’ last full day is both amplifying what your heart is telling you and fuelling the kind of emotional responses that can bring message up from the depths to the surface.
The relationship journey will continue long after Venus leaves tomorrow and the Moon the day after, but what they are doing is giving both your heart and emotional responses a voice.
What you do with that information is something you and the relationship gods will work with over the coming months.
Today’s Quote: “Deal with your problems before they deal with your happiness.”
Lucky Numbers: 27, 29, 30, 31, 36, 46
Daily Compatibility: Scorpio
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Good
Business: Good