You may need to deal with communication or transportation breakdowns today, dear Cancer, but while these things may have been more frequent in the past few weeks, many of these problems will begin to clear up over the coming days and weeks.

There can be a real sense of moving forward in the coming days, but for now, you need to correct past mistakes and omissions so that you can clear the path.

Be a little more mindful of communications, as misunderstandings are likely with Mercury at its station. However, you can look forward to moving on projects and endeavors in your life that were delayed or stuck in recent weeks.

This is a good time for studying and reflecting, while brand new endeavors should wait. A turnaround for some of your projects, particularly related to travel, education, publishing, and legal matters, is imminent. Just don’t rush to put new plans into motion yet – take your time!

Go easy on yourself if you’re unsure how to handle a family member’s attitude or a close friend’s actions now. Although you know this person well, they’ve been acting distant lately.

You have your hunches why, but you’re not a mind reader. They may be going through a tough time, and for their own reasons are reluctant to talk about it.

If anyone understands the power, pleasure, and pain of emotions, it’s you. The best way to help someone is to simply be there for them without adding any pressure. Healing happens faster when you’re not alone.

There is a lot going on today and this is likely to draw your attention in many directions. Mercury’s direct turn in an adventurous part of your chart will give all things adventurous a boost, while turning the lights green just two days after Venus’ return.

While the Sun and Jupiter are meeting up for the first time in 12 years to reveal some stunning options on job and career fronts, the Moon and Mars are creating an auspicious day for friendship and relationship building.

This makes this a good day for personal and professional networking, friendship and relationship building.

Today’s Quote: “Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason.”

Lucky Numbers: 11, 27, 45, 47, 48, 49

Daily Compatibility: Scorpio

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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