Your emotional world is in strong focus and in good shape today, dear Cancer. You can get into applying yourself to personal projects and research, and sharing your feelings with others tends to enhance bonds now.

Your energy levels are elevated today, even though they’re subject to some fluctuation with your increased sensitivity to the personal atmosphere around you, as well as to others’ moods. Practical considerations tend to be pushed to the side in favor of visions and dreams.

Although it’s a strong time for thinking in big terms and visualizing what you want, the practical side of things may need some attention, which can happen in due time. Today is more about catching some inspiration than locking something down.

Your idealistic heart takes charge of ordering your priorities now. You are not about to be easily turned aside from a pursuit that means the world to you.

Whether it’s about career ambitions, the happiness of your home, or the fulfillment of a dream, there are some principles you won’t abandon or move to the bottom of the list.

The way you stick to your morals and honor your values is a big reason so many others look to you as a role model. A healthy philosophy sets an inspirational example.

Today’s adventurous lunar vibes couldn’t come with better timing. You are just two days away from a New Moon on the career front and with Jupiter and Ceres in their last full week in direct motion in your work sector, things are about to become more professionally focused.

Yet there are more to today’s adventurous lunar vibes that just a chance to play hooky midweek if you can or to embrace a sense of wanderlust, curiosity and adventure.

This comes just as Mercury and dreamy Neptune are aligned in this adventurous part of your chart, making this the perfect day to update your bucket list.

Today’s Quote: “Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 20, 23, 29, 32

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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