The Sun’s transit of your adventure sector until March 20th has the effect of pulling you out of your shell, dear Cancer, and Mars is corroborating this story as it moves through your social sector!

This is a time for reaching beyond your usual limits, boundaries, and routines in order to experience and learn new things. You are feeling in form and especially confident now.

The routine or mundane elements of your life appear less exciting and more black-and-white as you seek out colorful life experiences.

Today may require a few adjustments, however, but think of these as an opportunity to get things right before pushing forward.

Communication can be so tricky. You enunciate clearly, and yet your message still seems to come across garbled today. The issue may simply be rooted in the lack of a bridge between you and the audience you are trying to reach.

When people with two different mother tongues try to find common ground, words might not land the way you each expect.

When you speak of higher-level concepts like freedom or love all interpretations are meaningful. Nevertheless, be explicit as possible to get your point across.

At a time when forces on the job front are now stable and career forces, while still evolving have dialled back, the Sun’s return to an adventurous part of your chart couldn’t have come with better timing.

Life is likely to be just as busy and this will remain a huge year for both job and career matters, it won’t be in the ‘all or nothing’ way that it has been until now.

The Sun is the largest and most powerful force in the solar system, with the adventurous solar vibes that have rolled in over the last few days something you can’t ignore.

Today’s Quote: “Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you’ve ever been, to stand up taller than you than you ever were.”

Lucky Numbers: 13, 14, 16, 18, 39, 40

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Good

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