What a birthday season you’re having this year, Cancer! Not only is the Sun in your sign until July 22 and resetting your whole aura, this month will bring two powerful eclipses—one of which will fall in Cancer.

Get ready for a powerful and purposeful push onto your path! There’s a lot going on in the heavens all month, including a signal-scrambling Mercury retrograde toward the end of July (more on that in a bit). But the skies are looking mighty fine for the first three weeks, so let the fun begin!

The action kicks off on July 10, when expansive Jupiter ends a four-month retrograde and powers forward in Scorpio and your fifth house of love, creativity and joie de vivre. If you haven’t planned a birthday extravaganza yet, book it asap!

A romance that’s slowed down since March could pick up speed again, or you might resume a back-burnered project. Don’t be surprised if fame comes knocking, as global Jupiter in this head-turning house shines the spotlight on your talents.

Your confidence and charisma get even more fuel on July 12, when the Cancer new moon—a partial solar eclipse—lands in your sign. This is the first of summer’s three scene-shifting eclipses (the next two are on July 27 and August 11) that are sparking radical change.

And while eclipses are significant for all the signs, because the moon is your celestial ruler, they can be downright cataclysmic for Cancers.

Eclipses sweep in four to six times a year and shake up the status quo, removing anything that’s past its expiration date and flinging open the doors for a fresh start.

In astrology, solar eclipses mark bold beginnings, often with an unexpected twist. If you’ve been on the fence about making a change, this new moon could catalyze a swift decision. Maybe your intuition told you to wait, and you weren’t sure why.

Now following that divine-timing hunch could pay off, and an even better offer or opportunity arrives. With this eclipse in your first house of self and appearances, some Cancers will make a dramatic style shift or debut a project that has your personal stamp all over it.

This is the inaugural eclipse in a series that will fall on the Cancer/Capricorn axis between now and July 2020, initiating a wave of transformations around your individuality and your relationships.

Prepare to renegotiate the balance between “me” and “we” over the next two years. This is the only eclipse from this group in 2018; the rest will fall in 2019. It will also coincide with the Sun’s annual opposition to Pluto in Capricorn and your partnership house.

As you emerge from your shell to reveal Cancer 2.0, don’t be surprised if you get some pushback or resistance from your closest people—even ones you’d expect to support you. Be selective about whom you share your nascent plans with now.

In fact, it might be best to put your head down and just work, especially once the Sun enters Leo and your industrious second house for a month on July 22. As birthday season wraps up, it’s time to focus on practical matters and lock down some security.

As el Sol heats up your zone of daily routines, work and money, you could start building some of those grand, eclipse-fueled ideas into something tangible.

But as quickly as you start, there could be speed bumps because Mercury—planet of communication, technology and transportation—turns retrograde in Leo on July 26 (until August 19). Watch for misunderstandings with clients and coworkers, budget snafus and computer crashes at the job.

Early in the month, take precautions by backing up your data to the cloud and deleting any questionable emails, especially ones sent on the company server.

A promising financial lead could ghost you, or a key meeting could be delayed. Use this window to tighten up your presentation and look for other options. During Mercury retrogrades, it’s more important than ever to not put all your eggs in one basket.

Besides, speedy Mars is retrograde from June 26 to August 27, and for the majority of its backspin, it will be in Aquarius, disrupting your eighth house of joint ventures and shared finances.

You may need to scale down overly ambitious plans or deal with an unanticipated expense, perhaps related to a legal bill, a real estate matter or debt.

While money and power struggles could be a source of stress, examine your own role in any conflicts.

Where are you acting rashly and from a place of ego? Tunnel vision or an unhealthy rivalry could be consuming you. This retrograde is a crucial time to step back and change counterproductive behaviors.

If you’ve pooled funds or gotten entangled with someone who’s not holding up their end of the bargain, you might have second thoughts about proceeding.

Couples or business partners may decide to go separate ways—careful that combative Mars doesn’t provoke a contentious battle as you divide up your assets and responsibilities.

Although the retrograde can cause bottlenecks, you won’t be stuck ALL month. On July 27, a total lunar (full moon) eclipse lands in Aquarius and your merger-minded eighth house.

A simmering sexual attraction could consummate quickly, perhaps turning into a full-blown soulmate relationship. This eclipse could also bring a large financial windfall or unexpected momentum around a legal or property matter.

Lunar eclipses can feel more intense than solar ones because full moons bring endings, transitions and full-circle events. Powerful emotions that have been tucked away could erupt, taking you by surprise. This eclipse will be conjunct fiery Mars, which is retrograde in Aquarius for the next couple weeks.

If you have buried resentments or frustrations, that could all come pouring out. Since the eighth house rules merging, some Cancers could suddenly get engaged or pregnant, move in together, buy or sell a home or make some fast-but-permanent life change.

This is the final Aquarius eclipse in a series that’s been touching down on the Leo/Aquarius axis since February 2017, transforming the way you deal with money, work and your deepest bonds—everything from investments to emotional vulnerability to shared space.

Look back to the prior two Aquarius eclipses on August 7, 2017, and February 15, 2018, for clues of what might fully come together now. There will be one last Leo eclipse on January 21, 2019, so get your financial and emotional ducks in a row for one last big breakthrough then.

/Based on the materials from TheAstroTwins

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