“Home” is a sacred word to your sign of domestic bliss, Cancer, and starting this Monday, July 9 the warm feels you get from being in safe and cozy environs extends to your entire ‘hood and maybe hometown.

That’s because amicable, affable Venus spins into Virgo and your locally sourced third house. You’ll be eager to flap your monarch wings and check out new venues within walking or Ubering distance. You might be a livelier raconteur than usual, getting into meaningful conversations wherever you turn.

Vivacious Venus sticks around until August 6, during which time you’ll welcome new kindred spirits into your inner circle. On the flip side, if you’re NOT feeling connected to a local scene, it might be time to pull up stakes and move.

You can always switch gyms, shop in different stores, and find a new pub to make your “local.” If you work for yourself, you might actually stumble on the coolest co-working space.

But you have to be open-minded enough to begin the search! Since Venus IS the love goddess, when she lights up your communication corner, she can turn you into quite the flirt.

Even if you abhor dating apps, during this transit, you might be pleasantly surprised by what they yield. Couples should socialize more as a pair, maybe hosting events at the Crab Castle for your shared friend group.

Later this week, Venus gets a boost from two earth trines—first from transformative Uranus on Wednesday in your people house and then stabilizing Saturn on Saturday in your house of partnership. It’s definitely a week to connect with your tribe—or explore new ones with bae!

Get ready to reboot your passion and creativity this Tuesday, as lucky and expansive Jupiter wraps up a frustrating four-month retrograde in Scorpio and your amorous, innovative fifth house.

If a project or an affair—or formerly solid relationship—has been idling in neutral, you’ll catch a cosmic tailwind as Jupiter blasts full speed ahead, revving up these areas until November 8.

The fifth house also rules fame, so this course correction could put your name on the map—or the marquee! If you ARE going to have a higher public profile, you might want to hit the salon or boutiques to update your look as befits a superstar.

If your changes and purchases are simple, sophisticated and versatile, you can build around them for years to come. That’s not a splurge, Cancer; it’s a smart investment in your most valuable asset.

But wait, there’s A LOT more! Thursday marks the annual new moon in Cancer, which happens to be a solar eclipse with the power to catapult you into action. This is the first eclipse to hit your sign since July 1, 2011, and it marks the beginning of a galvanizing eclipse series on the Cancer-Capricorn axis that will last until July 2020.

No more hesitating, Crab! Which area of life have you wanted to hit the refresh button on? That’s the kind of break this eclipse brings.

But don’t rush into the first thing that comes your way. Reflect on your highest goals and envision what your dream life looks—and sounds, feels and even smells—like. Don’t wait TOO long, though.

Eclipses bring brief yet potent windows of opportunity, and stalling can cause you to miss out. Pour your heart and soul into the personal “resolutions” you make this week because they could be game-changers! /Based on the materials from AstroStyle

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