Pull your heads out of the clouds, Gemini, and drop back here on reality. You’ve been putting off doing something for a long time. It is time to take action. You cannot simply give up all of your duties. There are a few things you should take care of here. When you put your mind to doing mundane jobs and everyday duties, they will no longer be unpleasant. You can get a lot done today.
Making the most of your spare time begins with paying attention to what you eat so that any unexpected adjustments do not make you feel uneasy. There is no rationale why you must not keep eating your standard three meals a day, with no snacks other than fruit or vegetables. With all of the extra stress these days, it is especially vital to drink enough water and avoid dehydrating beverages such as coffee and black tea.
Do not continue today with your impulsive attitude. Sometimes your intuition may lead to bad choices. Think very carefully before you speak or do anything. Your high levels of energy coupled with your active attitude towards things may cause a lot of turmoil. Take steps to fulfill your duties to optimize productivity and get the intended outcome within a period of time. The challenge today is how you combine feelings and work.
“To ‘let go’ sometimes makes us feel like losers because it means giving up what truly we felt we had a right to. But true strength lies in resisting the urge to hold onto things and people that bring us down.”
Lucky Color: Cyan
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Alphabet: H
Cosmic tip: Have faith in yourself.
Tips for singles: Do not go searching for the one, when it’s time, things will eventually happen.
Tips for couples: Have faith in your partner.