Today, any serious discussion with your partner can escalate into an intense conflict. You have had your good and your bad days in this relationship, but letting the past resurface can be detrimental to both your emotional health.
Once this happens, it will be almost impossible to retrieve the affection you once shared. However, if you both are willing to make amends to what has happened, this too shall pass.
Your physical health may have suffered a lot in the past, but today, you feel physically fine. This could be because there are larger worries that overshadow your health concerns.
A broken relationship has shattered you today and it is the right time to start working on your emotional health as well. You deserve to be at peace and time will fly by when you treat yourself well, Gemini.
You can feel that your career is well under your control. You are in a position of authority and nobody would dare to question you. This, however, does not mean that you can do like you wish.
Power comes along with responsibilities and your concerns should not act as a motivator in exploiting your power. Instead, you should use it as a distraction and let things proceed at their own pace.
Today’s Quote: “Sometimes, you’re going to have to wait years for your effort to pay off — and that whole time, you’re going to have to keep faith in yourself. You’re going to have to hold onto the hope that you can do this, that you’re going to reach your destination eventually.”
Colors of the day: White, Pink
Lucky Numbers of the day: 3,5
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: M, X
Cosmic Tip: Communication is the key to a healthy relationship.
Tips for Singles: Do not let power blind you.
Tips for Couples: You must not let miscommunication win the battle against love.