You might feel overwhelmed by the mix of social and professional obligations. Seek out extra assistance if entertaining is something you are doing tonight. If possible, you can either cater the meal or hire help to prepare the food. It is difficult enough to entertain guests and make them happy. Do not try to be the best.
Do you want to take a wild walk? It’s likely that you are because of the small revolution in the sky. You are a participant in the planetary alignment! Your pleasure principle will meet your conscience. This can serve as a test of your ability to recognize and protect boundaries. You should have healthy habits that can withstand the unexpected. Take note of how diet and exercise affect your health this week.
It will be hard to stay detached from a relationship in love. You can’t be involved unless you want to. It may prove to be an excellent idea for prospective or current partners to share their feelings. You might be surprised by the results. Your bond will grow if you are able to talk about the areas in which there is need for change.
“Every true love and friendship is a story of unexpected transformation. If we are the same person before and after we loved, that means we haven’t loved enough.”
Color of the day: Maroon, Lime green
Lucky Number of the day: 5, 9
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: D, Y
Cosmic tip: Start adopting some spirituality in your real life. It’s high time!
Tip for Singles: Don’t hassle and make a move. Just breathe and relax. No everything needs to be done right now.
Tip for Couples: Don’t just walk away from any argument with your partner. Try to figure out what’s the root cause and work on them.