According to your daily Gemini horoscope of the day states that it is advised that you do not partake in any form of drama especially when someone is going to try their best to drag you into one. You need to go out of your way to avoid this spectacle because these individuals are going to try their best to drag your name through the mud.
Your daily Gemini horoscope states that you find yourself to have gained weight and that is all you can think about now. Instead of dieting and following the latest diet fads to lose weight, it is advised that you make sure that you follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. This will also help you be fit and will enable you to lose weight as you wanted.
Being a Gemini, you have always been sensitive and emotional. According to your daily Gemini horoscope of the day, you will find yourself having to choose between your family and partner. There have been misunderstandings that have been cultivated by someone outside the family to turn them against your partner and you, and it will be up to you to clear them out.
“There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you’d better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you’ll never understand what it’s saying.”
Colors of the day: Purple, Yellow
Lucky Numbers of the day: 5, 7
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: G, B
Cosmic Tip: Moping over spilled milk will not help, take control.
Tips for Singles – Motivate yourself to do better than what you are doing now.
Tips for Couples – Seek professional help if you feel matters have escalated too far.