The broader issues come into stronger focus today and tomorrow, dear Gemini, with the Moon now in your spirit sector. While seeing the bigger picture often soothes and comforts you, there can be some tension in the first half of the day as you wonder what lies ahead.

There is also a tendency to be a little too quick on the trigger while communicating, which may not be too consequential on a regular day, but with today’s hypersensitivity, there can be some hurt feelings.

It’s probably best not to complicate matters further by juggling too much today–keep things simple, in other words. Downtime is vital this month, but you should also make room for a change of pace something new to engage your mind and refresh your spirit.

With a New Moon occurring in just three days and bringing you a chance for a new beginning, it makes sense to clear out the decks now.

You may need to break your silence today and let someone know just how emphatically you feel about a rather sensitive issue.

Fortunately, you’re well-armed with facts and statistics and are extremely capable of defending your viewpoint, so there’s absolutely no reason to hesitate.

However, expect others to stick as stubbornly to their positions as you do to yours. The problem with opinions is that everyone loves their own. There’s no need to shout when truth is on your side.

Just as you are about to move into some defining days on the professional front, the Moon and Venus have returned to breathe new life into an adventurous part of your chart.

Fortunately, with Mercury slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn in your career sector and the Sun calling for a wait and see approach until after a New Moon in your career sector, there is no urgency on the professional front.

So much so that there is no reason why you can’t embrace a sense of adventure and be excited about your professional options.

Today’s Quote: “Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”

Lucky Numbers: 2, 12, 20, 31, 32, 40

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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