A small hurdle may need clearing in the first half of the day, dear Gemini, as Mercury and Mars meet in an awkward angle shortly before they leave their respective signs.

Anxieties may be the root of impatience with others under this influence as you may not be clear about what it is you want to communicate. You can also give off some mixed signals since part of you is feeling quite lighthearted, and another part is deeply invested.

Others’ responses may seem a little superficial or insensitive as a result. Mind you, the day also holds wonderful opportunities.

This can be a time when you arrive at a comfortable place of intimacy with a friend, or when you see a relationship in a new light. Tonight, Mercury enters your home sector for a stay lasting until the 21st.

During this period, you may be thinking about and discussing family, domestic life, your support system, your roots, and the past more often than usual. Activity increases in your home, and this can include work or learning and study.

Your wallet is a lobster in increasingly hot water. The grand ideas you have been talking about lately may have led to some of your financial stress.

How you spend your attention mirrors how you spend your money. Look carefully at where all your energy is going and make some realistic choices. Your finances will naturally regenerate in a healthy way if you prune your expenditures properly.

Having the Moon in your income sector is a mixed blessing, but fortunately it is all good. The Moon is sharpening your nose for money as Venus approaches your work sector, while also creating just enough financial tension to ensure you’re paying attention as the tide turns on the financial front.

After five months in retrograde motion in your financial sector today and nine days after Mars turned direct here, Saturn finally does a U turn that releases the roadblocks. A bit of pressure from the Moon will keep you on your toes.

Today’s Quote: “You know you’re on the right track when you become uninterested in looking back.”

Lucky Numbers: 12, 14, 26, 27, 43, 49

Daily Compatibility: Aries

Creativity: Fair

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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