Good energy is with you for expanding your personal horizons through creative endeavors today, dear Leo, as Mars and Jupiter form a harmonious angle.

You are commanding attention! Love can be magical today — your powers of attraction skyrocket. This is a good day for competitive activities, exams, learning, and creative activities.

You are inclined to make big plans, to see things in terms of the larger picture, and to enjoy expressing your ideas and creative visions with others. You feel passionate about something or someone.

Also today, you’re entering a cycle that lasts until mid-November and encourages you to seek out emotional satisfaction through creating and sharing.

Romance, entertainment, creative pursuits, children, and hobbies are all possible avenues for self-expression, and it’s through these things that you seek nourishment and healing.

You may be attracted to people who seem to need extra care, or there can be warmer, fuzzier feelings in a romantic relationship.

You gain tremendous emotional satisfaction and nourishment from the things you create, your hobbies, or your dating life.

You’re in the mood to kick ambiguity to the curb today. When you know exactly what’s required to reach a goal, you are ready, willing, and able to tackle each step like you’re marking tasks off a check list.

But if expectations or the way forward are cloudy, it’s no surprise that progress is stymied and enthusiasm frustrated.

It’s possible that those in charge of setting the course are unaware that the current instructions are confusing. Advocate for clarity above all else.

Having Mercury, the planet of communication in your relationship sector so soon after a lunar eclipse earlier in the week is advantage enough.

Yet to also have the Moon in your communication sector takes this to a whole new level. A week that began with your personal and relationship needs clashing in a fairly spectacular way is ending with full support from the communication gods.

This doesn’t just repair any damage, it turns what appeared to be a challenge into an opportunity for something real and authentic. All thanks to communication.

Today’s Quote: “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 7, 27, 37, 42, 43

Daily Compatibility: Aries

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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