Venus moves into harmony with your sign today, dear Leo, and will transit your creative and romantic sector until February 3rd.
This is a healthy cycle for attracting good things to you. Personal magnetism and charm are natural! Passionate and creative impulses are potent.
Venus brings lightness, warmth, graciousness, the power of attraction, an urge to interact, and considerable charm to your life, and is in particularly good shape at this time with Jupiter already in this sector of your chart along with its harmony to Mars.
You could find satisfying channels through which to express your need for play, reinforcement, and feedback or applause. There is easy, natural attraction and popularity now.
People especially enjoy your company. Today, Mercury and Mars head towards a square, and it’s important to avoid rushing conversations, trips, or projects.
The tendency is to make hasty moves or to feel you need to hurry when you may only need to think differently.
Your knack for effortlessly attracting attention is on fire today. Your irresistible charisma can help you move a promising or profitable agenda along at work.
It can also warm the flirtatious vibes in your social life. Your approachability is a key to your own elevated profile, too.
In all areas, it is your emotional authenticity that makes you so attractive. Be true to yourself.
Even if you weren’t just under two weeks away from a total lunar eclipse in Leo, this would still be a time for daring to believe in what’s possible.
The North Node only left Leo in November and with the lunar eclipse ahead due to blow the lid off all the untapped potential that has been building since then, the element of fate is very much in play.
This is a time for putting in your requests for the coming year, without a thought for the ‘when, where and how’. If you know the ‘what’, the rest will fall into place.
Today’s Quote: “Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It’s perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday.”
Lucky Numbers: 14, 16, 18, 28, 31, 45
Daily Compatibility: Aries
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Fair