Your business acumen and practical skills combine with creativity and innovation to create progress. Particularly valuable information could come from distant places. Friendships should be open and supportive. It could be rewarding to have a loving relationship. You can let off some steam and go out to have a great time.

No matter what the cause of your discomfort, today gives you an opportunity for it to be addressed. While this can seem like a frustrating planet transit, some people will find it to be amusing or enlightening. You can be open to changing and let go of the things you don’t want. This includes unhealthy eating habits and laziness. You are responsible for how your body feels, so give it respect!

Be careful that you don’t allow your natural tendency to look for imperfections in order to fix them to get into trouble. You may go too far and accuse someone you love of doing something they wouldn’t ever consider. Be sure to understand what your words mean before you point fingers.

“What’s the difference?” You ask me
The difference is, a smile touches my lips
When I remember both the memory of you entering my life
And the memory of you leaving my life”

Colors of the day: Yellow, Green

Lucky Numbers of the day: 4, 7, 2

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: S, R

Cosmic Tip: Let your intuition take the steering wheel as it is the Universe guiding your intuition.

Tip for Singles: Do not be afraid to approach that special someone.

Tip for Couples: Let your loved one help move on from the mistakes you made in the past.

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