Dear Leo, today you will feel cheerful and optimistic. You are independent and fierce and today you will realize that you have so many things to be grateful for.
Even if a difficult situation arises, you have to stay positive because everything will fall into place very soon. Sometimes it is okay to let time go without doing anything important. Use this time to take pride in your achievements and analyze what more you have to achieve.
Today, your health might not create problems for you but you can feel stressed by the ill-health of someone close to you. As a result, you will notice that your stress levels have increased.
It is okay to get worried for your loved ones but you need to watch your stress and fatigue levels so that your health does not deteriorate in return. However, there will not be any major problems today but do not take your health for granted.
Today you will want to identify the areas where you are weak and make strategies on how to improve them. This can be in the area of computer competency or communication skills.
It can be anything that is hindering your progress professionally. You can consult some counsellor or instructor to help you out or read some books on the same topic. Planetary influences can make you feel irritated so don’t take it out on your co-workers.
Today’s Quote: “Three things you cannot recover in life: the WORD after it’s said, the MOMENT after it’s missed and the TIME after it’s gone. Now you know.”
Colors of the day: Sea Water, Orange, Skin
Lucky Numbers of the day: 2, 8
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: I, D, F
Cosmic Tip: Engage in volunteer or social work as it can calm your soul.
Tips for Singles – Find what makes you and your body happy.
Tips for Couples – No matter how much you love your partner, you cannot let them take your mental peace.