The Full Moon that occurs today is about balancing the give and take of intimacy for you, dear Leo, or the giving and receiving of pleasure.
Sharing issues come into focus, as do issues of power, and it’s a time for answering to your feelings! Alternatively, financial matters may come to the fore now, and circumstances are such that you become more aware of your obligations, desires, and limitations.
The goal is to see a matter related to your income, financial situation, possessions, valuables, or sense of self-worth more clearly.
This epiphany about your needs and wants can be highly motivating, so that ultimately, your decisions and choices are easier to make. Later today, quiet study or research can turn up the answers you need, and perhaps some great rewards.
Working intimately with others always involves the risk of enmeshment. Roles become unclear and innocent favors can turn to resentment.
Initiate an honest conversation to clarify boundaries with anyone who is encroaching on your territory. In addition, the conscientious Virgo Full Moon activates your 2nd House of Money, urging you to drill down on your spending.
The financial system is a complex web, and you may be supporting things that aren’t in your best interest.
Check your impact and revise any expenditures heading the wrong way. Integrity is choosing your actions based on values rather than personal gain.
As the Moon leaves Leo, there is a need to savour the process of unwrapping and processing the valuable clues, hunches and insights of the last few days.
The Moon had not only come full circle from last month’s lunar eclipse but from the last of a series of solar and lunar eclipses over the last two years.
This leaves you with some personal truths that can now be slowly unwrapped. In the meantime, today’s Full Moon has the potential to trigger unexpected developments across the income, work and career fronts.
Today’s Quote: “Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.”
Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 9, 12, 36, 43
Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Excellent
Business: Good