You may not be totally sure whether you want your space or to be close to others now, dear Libra, and you may weave in and out of these feelings as Venus and Uranus form a square.
In truth, you may require some refreshment or a change, and restlessness is stirred now if you aren’t in touch with this need. This is not a good day for intimacy, as people around you are generally difficult to please, including yourself!
A partner could also throw you for a loop. If you push someone’s boundaries, you’ll be pushing your luck, and the same goes for anyone trying to cage you in right now.
However, this can be a time of new insights into problems, discovering new ways to relate with one another, and for getting rid of excess clutter or chaos. A quick decision may not be so off the wall now.
Also today, Venus moves into your romance and pleasure sector for a stay of three and a half weeks. Until March 26th, your heart is in your hobbies, relationships, and art.
You’re weary of feeling stuck and sluggish, but that’s all set to change today. The heavens are conspiring to nudge you toward crossing paths with someone who might not only wake you up on an emotional level, but enlighten your mind, too.
This person is likely someone entirely unknown to you, but a near and dear one may also have interesting insights to offer. Stay open to fresh new opinions now, no matter the source. A shot of inspiration rocks your world.
As Venus leaves your home and family sector today, her focus is on leaving you with a wish list and a clear sense of what you want, even if for now it feels more like wishful thinking.
Venus leaves behind forces that will continue to give home, family and/or property matters the power to move mountains through the coming year and beyond.
In the process of turning desires into reality, Venus’ job has been to leave you with the desire, while it is the planets staying behind who are charged with making this a reality.
Today’s Quote: “If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.”
Lucky Numbers: 3, 11, 13, 25, 29, 47
Daily Compatibility: Leo
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Excellent
Business: Fair