There can be a distinctly impatient element to the day, dear Libra, with a Venus-Mars square that tends to highlight our differences.

Venus is currently in your sign, and while it brings you a little more attention than usual, people around you may be brusque or demanding today, and you can be hard to please, too!

Others seem more interested in satisfying their own desires than tending to your needs. Or, you may want to present a calm and content appearance, but you’re wrestling with some frustrations, and it’s difficult to keep everything balanced and smooth.

Don’t completely shut out information, even if it’s coming to you in an unattractive package, but don’t accept unfair behavior, either.

As the results of your differences or unmet needs, however, you can come up with new ideas and approaches which can serve you well in the new cycle beginning tomorrow.

The vistas of your imagination beckon today. Tune into any otherworldly messages that may support some of the recent discoveries you have been making with respect to your lineage.

Like Aphrodite, who emerged fully formed from the sea, you may feel disconnected from your family. However, unlike her, you are very much mortal, and you did originate from somewhere.

Dwell in the myths that call you and let them feed your perfectly human and perfectly lovable roots.

As Venus, your ruling planet leaves Libra today, this won’t be goodbye and more a ‘see you later’. Venus will do a U turn and will be back within two months, with the desires and expectations she’s leaving you with now preliminary.

With your birthday month and new solar year beginning in 14 days’ time, Venus leaves you with enough desires and expectations to begin with a clear mandate, while still leaving your options open.

Venus will return after your birthday month is over to ensure you capitalise on every option.

Today’s Quote: “Your past was never a mistake if you learned from it.”

Lucky Numbers: 6, 13, 31, 36, 45, 46

Daily Compatibility: Gemini

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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