This is a strong day for guiding and supporting friends, dear Libra, and for paying particular attention to the relationships in your life. You could receive a nice boost from others, or you may be the one boosting someone up–either way, it feels good!

Ideas generated now are particularly fertile and creative, but it’s the process of exchange that is most interesting to you at the moment. Today and in the coming weeks, you could find that you’re rekindling an interest in old projects and topics, and this can motivate you.

This theme will build further in August when Jupiter in your communications sector ends its retrograde. While Mercury will remain retrograde for another week, there is strong energy with you today for inventive thinking and communicating.

Your typical circuit of movement is spreading. The concept of local is swelling to larger dimensions now, putting you in touch with an increasing amount of people. Your social graces come in handy to help manage your ever-growing network.

Some fresh faces enter your life while other acquaintances begin a slow migration out of your orbit. Take ownership of this process by making a conscious choice about who is most important to you. You need allies you can count on, not just followers.

When the Sun left your career sector yesterday, this may have taken the solar spotlight off your professional game, but today there is likely to be a surge in professional confidence.

The Sun’s departure has allowed professional pressure or work/life balance tension to defuse, while giving Venus and Mercury a chance to make things happen.

With Venus leaving over the weekend and Mercury spending his first, last and only full week in retrograde motion in your career sector, they are working together to exploit both new and untapped professional potential.

Today’s Quote: “And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”

Lucky Numbers: 7, 9, 23, 36, 43, 49

Daily Compatibility: Aquarius

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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