Dear Pisces, while your month begins on a happy note, you will soon find that happiness fading away if things go beyond your control. You want to be in charge, and you must maintain this approach for the entire month. There might be someone who wants to dominate you using manipulation, but you must not give in to cheap tricks. Know what you want and what you have, and do not compromise.

Dear Pisces, as far as your health is concerned, you will feel super fit the entire month. All you need is a good diet and a little awareness. You certainly would not like to suffer from a cold, so avoid consuming cold drinks. You may also find yourself reworking your workout routine because you have already achieved your fitness goals and are aiming to take a step ahead in this journey.

Everyone at work seems warm and welcoming, and you have been making great progress. But this month, someone could try to tarnish your reputation by evil means. You may consider them a good friend to the point that you cannot doubt their intentions. However, be cautious of every move at work and keep your documents concealed from public view this month.

You may trust the people around you and prefer to be cheated by them rather than doubting their intentions, but in a position of responsibility, emotions cannot overpower rationality. This month, you cannot afford to make decisions based solely on your heart. Be cautious about every move you make and pay attention to every little detail.

As the month progresses, your workload is only multiplying. Under such circumstances, you may feel pressure and have a desperate need to escape the surrounding atmosphere. Although this could lead to a lot of work piling up, it is still advisable that you take a little break and visit a nearby tourist spot. When you interact with new people, they may share their ideas, and who knows, it could benefit you!

Colors of the month: Pink, White

Lucky Numbers of the month: 3, 9

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: H, I

Cosmic Tip: Be cautious of every move.

Tips for Singles: A colleague may be trying to backstab you. So, beware!

Tips for Couples: Share your concern with loved ones and listen to what they have say.

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