It’s okay to let go of the past in favor of a new, better future. You can do it by just thinking about what’s right before making a decision and appreciating each moment for what it is. There’s no reason not to take that first big step in the right direction right now. You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. Start by taking baby steps. Do the tiniest bit of what you were thinking of doing for so long. This is high time to look out for yourself and look within yourself as well.

This week you can turn a new page in the book of your life. To start, just watch your weight and be aware of your health, and accept it for what it is. There’s every reason to hesitate, but if your heart says to take action, maybe you should listen. Make that schedule that you’ve been thinking about for so long, and start working on it. Give your body enough meals and exercise, and start making progress in the right direction.

Are you thinking about doing more for your career or income? Whether you like it or not, the coming week will be an important moment in your history and you made a decision about a mistake that would not soon be forgotten. Though we can always get better by listening to our gut feeling. Take the first step with a little introspection, the right motivation, and a lot of confidence. This is a good time to take important decisions and start doing what needs to be done.

If you think you’re smart and funny, but don’t know how to apply that, then maybe you should talk to those closest to you for advice. There’s no reason to be hasty, but if you’ve already made up your mind, there’s no reason to delay. Take that first step, and ask for help. Look for the right people, and once you know who they are, talk to them about how you feel about yourself. Don’t let your self-doubt stop you from taking the right steps and doing what’s good for you. Be honest about your emotions, and let them flow in yourself.

The weather outside is as you want it to be, so grab your backpack and go on an adventure. Do not forget to take all the essentials with you, and a diary and pen are a must. Be careful, and cautious throughout the journey. Taking a friend or two with you will double the fun. Keep yourself calm, and do not let the anticipation of events ruin the fun. Do not do anything in the heat of the moment. This would be a great learning experience for you, so do not sit back, take the opportunity, and explore the world.

Colors of the week: Yellow & Red

Lucky numbers of the week: 3 & 9

Lucky alphabets you will be in sync with: Q & J

Cosmic tip: Keep your focus on what’s important

Tips for singles: Feel free to hide away in your private shell.

Tips for couples: This might be a rocky time for relationships, keep your head down and brush off the little irritations.

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