With the Balsamic Moon and a Sun-Neptune sextile today, dear Sagittarius, you may get a pass on a problem that has been weighing on your mind, or you could be actively putting certain troubles behind you.
You are looking to make your life feel more secure and comfortable now, and you might stumble upon interesting information, gifts, or purchases that help you move towards these goals.
Business instincts are creative and powerful. If you’ve felt that something was missing in your life recently, this can be a time for seeking out that something.
Focus now should be on what genuinely fulfills you. Also today, Mercury moves into your resources sector where it will transit for almost three weeks, placing further emphasis on a theme of getting your bearings, understanding your needs, and building on recent ideas.
Over-emphasis on a transitory matter can invite unnecessary complications today. Keep a healthy perspective and treat small affairs more like gentle waves than giant tsunamis.
Big-picture objectives don’t have to be adversely impacted by unrelated current events, and in fact, they need not be influenced by them at all.
Take conscientious control of your reactions and rest assured that such self-discipline will pay dividends in the form of good order and uninterrupted progress going forward. A steady hand guides the ship safely to port.
After two months in Sagittarius, Mercury finally leaves today, just hours after the Moon also wraps up his two day visit.
With Venus still three days away this will leave Jupiter on his own for the first time since returning nearly two months ago and serendipitously, it is over the weekend that you will have a chance to pull back.
While Mercury has allowed you to move into the New Year with your head in the game, there is a chance now to take your head out of the game, taking a break from overthinking things.
Today’s Quote: “You can’t let other people tell you who you are. You have to decide that for yourself.”
Lucky Numbers: 3, 15, 21, 25, 36, 42
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Excellent