Yesterday it was Mercury and today, the Sun heads into your sector of networking and connecting, dear Sagittarius, for a month-long transit.

Your focus is shifting from goals and performance to your social and humanitarian or personal happiness goals. Friendships come into sharper focus over the coming weeks.

It can also be a cycle in which you feel a strong need to connect with a dream or project. Be a team player now for best results.

Today, however, you may need to deal with feelings of guilt before embracing this new Sun cycle.

You may be struggling with whether to go it alone or enlist help on a matter, or there can be doubts or insecurities raised about (or by) a friend or lover.

An old problem area can emerge, and this can lead to a better understanding of yourself and others if you choose to benefit from this illumination.

You add fuel to the flame of your social networks today. The Sun’s move into Libra inaugurates the equinox, and intensifies your desire to connect to people from all over the world.

The groups you belong to occupy a significant portion of your time. Think about how you are communicating, who you are collaborating with, and what you want to build with these people.

You are the glue of your community and your vision is what they will rally around.

Just in time for the weekend and just as Mercury is spending his first full day in your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking, he’s joined by the Sun today.

This is the point in any year when the solar spotlight will always shift to your friendships, social life and onto personal and professional networking in general.

With Mercury, planet of communication already on board, there is a chance to have the communication lines open from the get go.

Today’s Quote: “Do not regret growing older; it is a privilege denied to many.”

Lucky Numbers: 2, 7, 15, 27, 39, 41

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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