With Jupiter in your sign most of this year, dear Sagittarius, you’ll be discovering all sorts of new facets to your personality, and confidence is building.

Even so, a Jupiter-Neptune square may serve as a small hurdle, mainly in the form of some soul-searching as to what it is you are shooting for. Your desires may seem to clash with home and family matters.

Ambiguities about living conditions or up-in-the-air issues can leave you feeling uncertain at times.

For some of you, this aspect can take the form of a small disappointment or confusing situations surrounding domestic life, insecurities within, or in your connections with family or loved ones.

There can be a sense that you’re without an anchor or game plan. While Jupiter is in your sign and urging you to try new things and to go forward with confidence, there could be some issues with organization, self-discipline, or motivation.

You may be confused with so many options and possibilities in front of you. This is something that you can and will overcome, and you’ll be better off for it!

A game plan that takes into consideration your priorities makes sense now. Once past this feeling of being overwhelmed, and with a greater understanding of your needs and wants, you’ll be raring to go.

You sense deep down inside that you’re ready to buckle up and do some serious time-management calculations.

There are areas where you might be able to get more from your efforts, especially where the ins and outs of earning a living are concerned.

Nevertheless, there are only twenty-four hours in a day, so it’s only natural to want to squeeze the most from each one of them, at work, at school, and at home.

Conscientious planning can help you do just that today. Streamline for the sake of efficiency.

This is one year when the world really is your oyster. This is one time when it is less any one specific aspect about the year and more the sum of the individual parts.

You have Jupiter in Sagittarius, opening the doors to major new beginnings. You have exciting developments coming up on the job and income fronts, but also on the playful and adventurous fronts.

What makes 2019 so special, is the balance of the parts. This is set to be an exciting year and today’s playful lunar vibes urge you to embrace this by daring to follow your heart.

Today’s Quote: “A secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be, and then making the best of it.”

Lucky Numbers: 7, 17, 31, 37, 41, 48

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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