With the planet of communication, Mercury, shifting directions today, dear Sagittarius, you’ll need to be especially sensitive when it comes to choosing your words to express yourself.
You’ll find decisions become more straightforward and delays lift, however, from this date forward.
Many recent misunderstandings are likely to clear up in the coming days and weeks, but a shift such as this one today can effectively magnify problem areas, so do your best to avoid focusing on trivial matters as Mercury makes its turnaround.
Mercury began its retrograde in your sign almost three weeks ago but then retreated into the sign just behind yours.
Now, Mercury turns direct, and you’ll see some recent problem areas untangle, but Mercury won’t return to your sign until the 12th when more clarity is likely to come.
Avoid big launches or new beginnings now, not only because of Mercury’s station, but also because a New Moon is about to occur, and it’s a natural time to observe, wait, and see. It’s a better time to wind down, rest, reflect, and let go.
During this time, you will need to tune more into your intuitive side to reap the success you are looking for. Control your emotions.
Just be a bit more patience and everything will work out fine. Be careful with little-known people. You will succeed with your planned trips.
You will improve your financial status unexpectedly, with tasks that you’ll accept and finish with finesse. Do not rush and think about your intentions and plans once again.
Be careful, you may need to rearrange your agenda unexpectedly because of unpleasant news. Try not to over-analyze your current status. Try not to impose your opinions aggressively.
Restraining your emotional expression is no small task today. Sentiments that have been percolating may boil over while the farsighted Sagittarius Moon hangs out with boisterous Jupiter.
As you feel the pressure rise, take a moment to drop in and reestablish your center of gravity. Complete a few Sun salutations, connecting your body’s rhythm with your breath.
The time and place to express yourself will become clear as you find your equilibrium. Lowering your expectations allows others to lead with confidence.
Today’s Quote: “Don’t raise your kids to have more than you had, raise them to be more than you were.”
Lucky Numbers: 15, 19, 23, 25, 31, 37
Daily Compatibility: Aries
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Fair