You’ll find that you’re naturally attracting positive attention and giving off good vibes today, dear Sagittarius, as the Moon and Venus align in your sign.
You’re likely to have a mainly positive self-image now, and with the goal of increased happiness and health in mind, you’re drawn to activities that benefit you.
You can be collaborating on plans and projects now with great success. Distractions, especially emotional ones, can interfere with your productivity and possibly lead to indecision or poor decisions later today, although nothing you can’t handle!
Some trial and error can work in your favor, ultimately. If things get too personal, take note that the atmosphere is ripe for misunderstanding.
From time to time after a disagreement, we take the opportunity to learn and grow, and you can choose to do so now.
Building a bridge is about more than establishing a simple link. If you truly want to make a meaningful connection with a person or group, there needs to be comprehensive thought devoted to each step of its construction.
What you are willing to contribute is as important as what you hope to receive from this relationship. However, maintenance and upkeep will be required.
It’s a different commitment with different expectations from each side. Know your own value and recognize the worth of others to establish common ground.
The Moon’s alignment with Venus just before leaving Sagittarius today, couldn’t come with better timing.
With Venus just three days away from leaving today, their only alignment until later in the year, is a chance to bring your heart and your intuitive and imaginative responses together.
As you approach a point in the year when it will become more about the journey, this allows you to better trust what your heart and gut are telling you. Especially when the message from both is the same.
Today’s Quote: “Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.”
Lucky Numbers: 8, 19, 24, 25, 26, 41
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good