Jupiter in your sign tends to put you in the spotlight in delightful ways these days, dear Sagittarius, and today, Jupiter meets with Venus, boosting your appeal even further.
This aspect can fill you with a nice sense of abundance, perhaps as if puzzle pieces are coming together. Attracting support from others, if you need it, can be more natural, and romantic attention is quite likely to come your way now.
You would do well to put a past grudge behind you, as this is a good time for generous moves. You tend to gravitate towards situations or people that/who are right for you.
This is a good time for sharing your feelings, happiness, art, talents, and joy as Venus in your sign highlights your lovable qualities and meets Jupiter, your planetary ruler and the planet of expansion, giving, and going big.
You are easy to be around. You’re feeling especially confident about who you are and about dealing with life, in general.
Carefully cultivating your image through impeccable grooming and tasteful style is for you a reflection of healthy self-esteem. There’s nothing selfish about it.
Ignore any critical barbs pelted by the jealous. Those that spout negativity tend to fall behind because focusing on bad vibes holds them back.
You are going places if you embrace the commitment to live your best life and make choices that build up your confidence. Your drive for excellence is nothing short of awesome.
The Moon goes through quite a transformation today. The day begins with the Moon still in an adventurous part of your chart, wrapping up a lunar eclipse which two days ago energised a whole new sense of what’s possible.
It is a change of tack for the Moon as it leaves and returns to your career sector, for its first visit for the year and as there is change afoot on the income and job fronts.
Yet there is a chance to take that sense of adventure and curiosity and apply it to your new professional year.
Today’s Quote: “Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”
Lucky Numbers: 2, 7, 8, 11, 23, 39
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Excellent
Business: Excellent