Dear Scorpio, there is nothing in this world which you cannot do except for tolerating the cancelation of plans. Today your mood will go from being supremely joyous to being immensely annoyed, in minutes. It is due to random changes in the plan. It will not only mess with your mood but also disturb your work-life balance. You will need someone to help you calm down when your heart and soul will start to rant.
Your health will not cause you any trouble till you stick to your diet plan and follow your supplements dedicatedly. Today if you allow yourself to be negligent towards health, then you might face some troubling consequences. However, your heart and mind will not let you deflect from your path of leading a healthy lifestyle. Today, you will also feel joyous as your partner might join you for working out.
A good thing about you is that you have great endurance. No matter how horrible your experiences are, you will always find a way out. You might receive several complaints from your family, school, and of course work end, but the way through which they can mess with your logical mind is something you will find hard to deal with. For the time being, it will overwhelm you with emotions.
“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
Colors of the day: Blue, White
Lucky Numbers of the day: 5, 7, 9
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: A, F, M
Cosmic tip: When life gives you blues, you should turn them into a starry night.
Tips for Singles: All the singles out there, you are not missing any of the fun stuff anyway!
Tips for Couples: When the fight starts due to differences of opinion, it is better to resolve by communicating.