Scorpio, continue slowly but steadily. It is easy to get too focused on everything when you are trying to do it all at once. This is a great time to focus on what really matters. Avoid distractions. It is so natural to long for extraordinary experiences. You should take the time to fully experience these experiences.
Conflict isn’t your forte. You might find yourself turning your back on people who revel in conflict. Don’t try to figure out why other people do the things they do. You can try to avoid getting involved if you are able. Give yourself a big pat on your back. You can take your own health seriously and think about it today. Your spine supports you during stressful times. Your entire back should be relaxed. A hot tub or yoga is a good option.
You might feel a bit rejected. It doesn’t matter if it is your fault or someone else’s. It is important to acknowledge, in heart-to-heart conversation, that you both contributed to this problem. You will need to work together to resolve it.
“Maybe right now, you are being given a chance to reclaim your joy, to make it the most natural extension of who you are, to let it spill out of your words, and your laughter, and your tears — to let it be something you believe you are worthy of, to let it be something you believe you deserve.”
Colors of the day: Light Blue, Red
Lucky Numbers of the day: 6, 8
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: C, B, M
Cosmic Tip: Set some rules for yourself and do not break them.
Tips for Singles: Treat yourself like you would treat your future partner.
Tips for Couples: You may not have solved trivial issues in the past and now they have become big.