It might be difficult for you to pay attention to anything today. You may lose your focus easily and may find it difficult to handle the situations presented. Wait until the other person is done talking before jumping in and voicing your opinion. Respect others’ opinions and be polite.

Are you familiar? You may find it easy to understand the concept of an exercise quickly, but then also quickly tire of it. If you are a regular exerciser and eat well, the results will be felt almost instantly. You will feel more relaxed if you have a regular routine. You can resist this temptation by adding more components to your health regimen. Get up earlier, and get out of bed early!

Don’t be worried if your relationship with someone is not going according to plan. You could find out today through your astral alignment that they care deeply about you. You know they care about you, but their actions may not reflect that. Your heart will tell you what to do.

“There will come a time in your life in which you realize your old ways cannot carry you any longer. You will know that it is time to set fire to the past, and shed your old self. When the heaviness slows you to a stop, a reinvention must occur.”

Colors of the day: Gold, Red

Lucky Numbers of the day: 4, 3

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: A, L, Y

Cosmic Tip: Give yourself time to heal and learn to slow down.

Tips for Singles: Pace yourself, and learn from your past mistakes.

Tips for Couples: No matter what happens, you will always have your partner by your side.

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