Scorpio, it is time to put your focus on your private life. You have certainly experienced many moments in your life. It has also been filled with new, deep emotions over the last few months. You can achieve the goals that you set if you are persistent in pursuing your determination and following your course of action.

The planetary alignment encourages you to move forward with only you-oriented plans. It could mean your work or plans to travel depending on how independent you are, but it certainly means your diet, and your exercise routine. If there are specific aspects that counter this fiery aspect, energy isn’t going to be a problem for you. You can use common sense to push yourself beyond your limits in regards to exercise.

You might feel irritable or disoriented today. Your partner may not be as enthusiastic about a certain idea that you had, although it might have captured your imagination. You may feel dissatisfied and vent it through a torrent of complaints. This mood is temporary, but you must let go of it with your other hands.

“No friend is better than your own wise heart! Although there are many things you can rely on, no one is more reliable than yourself. Although many people can be your helper, no one should be closer to you than your own consciousness. Although there are many things you should cherish, no one is more valuable than your own life.”

Colors of the day: Silver, Forest Green

Lucky Numbers of the day: 2, 5

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: B, J

Cosmic Tip: Take time to pamper yourself

Tips for Singles: Coffee, music is just about everything you need right now.

Tips for Couples: Acknowledge your partner’s say.

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