The momentum that you have been building over the last few weeks may seem a little sluggish today. This could cause you to feel a momentary fear that you won’t be able to keep up your pace. You might feel a little blue as a result. Scorpio, don’t let this happen to you. It has moved so quickly that it needed to slow down. You’ll be able to take a deep breath and the pace will resume. Keep going!

The movement of the planets today is a challenge. You must heed their messages, even though there’s so much going on out there to distract. A balanced lifestyle is key in this situation. It may appear that your health goals are easier than they actually are. You might think it’s easy to achieve your health goals, but in reality you must continue to work hard to reach them.

The planetary configuration gives you a sense of sudden clarity. You might have been confused by a number of things in your relationship life. You realize it is impossible to wait for someone to come along and be all you want. It becomes clear that you can’t wait for the right person to come along and make your life complete.

“Every true love and friendship is a story of unexpected transformation. If we are the same person before and after we loved, that means we haven’t loved enough.”

Colors of the day: Blue

Lucky Numbers of the day: 7

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: K, E, B

Cosmic tip: Be firm of what you truly want.

Tips for singles: You will find true love in no time.

Tips for couples: Reveal yourself to your partner.

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