You will see monetary gains this month which will help you to plan your future. You will be able to complete all your tasks of the month but at a slow pace.

Do not feel anxious because there is nothing you should worry about. Your love life is likely to suffer this month. If possible, try to avoid any kind of argument with your partner. Use your savings to cover up any past losses.

A major health issue in the past has made you pay more attention to your health. As the month progresses you will be glad that you made a healthy routine and stick to it.

In the 2nd week of the month, you will notice that your positive attitude has improved your health. If you have gone through an ailment recently, you will get relief from that. Go for a routine health checkup once a week.

This month will present you with opportunities to change your career if you want to. Students of medical science will find this month very productive. For others, you can be given additional responsibilities at work so put your best efforts into fulfilling them.

Those who have been wishing to get promoted for a long time will see your dreams becoming reality. Although you might have to face hurdles at work to get tasks completed.

This month is very crucial for your emotional needs as major planets will be in charge of your mind. Some planets will move at a slow pace this month so it will impact your mind.

You will go through some sensitive days so take care of your mental health. This is not the time to get involved in controversies. Be careful of your communications at work as your colleagues can misinterpret them.

You may go on several short trips this month both personal and professional. Do not miss even one of these trips because these trips will prove very adventurous for you.

You will be able to discover this new side of you which never knew existed. You will be this little child who is free from the tensions of this world. You need this free time to revitalize and regain your energy levels.

Colors of the month: Dark Red, Magenta

Lucky Numbers of the month: 6, 3

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: K, J, B

Cosmic Tip: Get in Sun daily at least for a few minutes.

Tips for Singles – You have a chance now to figure out what you want out of your life.

Tips for Couples – Try to make little sacrifices for each other.

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