Don’t be shocked if you find yourself readjusting to your new routine more slowly than usual today, Taurus. You shouldn’t be too harsh on yourself if your day doesn’t start with a bang every morning. Just go at your own pace and be patient. If you are facing a tight deadline, you should consider requesting a short extension. Pushing yourself to get things done can make you feel even less productive in the long run.
Making a pact with something that increases your power is a wise decision. There will almost certainly be some sort of movement involved. Running, Ashtanga yoga, Pilates, and other forms of exercise that increase your heart rate while also extending your limbs are all suggested for this condition. Competitive sports are not advised at this time since the win-lose dynamic may harm your energy levels. Take your time before you speak; if you know precisely what you want to say, you will be able to express yourself more effectively.
Your emotions have a propensity to swing back and forth. You have a great desire for or are searching for, a steady partner who can look after your emotions. However, this is not the right way to unwind one’s emotions. You are not obligated to do so. When you spend more time with yourself, you will realize that always seeking company is just a distraction from experiencing the absolute quiet that resides inside everyone else.
“It is not memories but the person we have become because of those past experiences that we should treasure. This is the lesson these keepsakes teach us when we sort them. The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not the person we were in the past.”
Colors of the Day: White, Pink
Lucky Numbers: 2, 6
Lucky Alphabets: T, V, H
Cosmic tip: Remember why you started and keep giving it all.
Tips for singles: The love season is on for you.
Tips for Couples: Put your trust in your mate.