Sharing your specialized knowledge could be especially rewarding today. When someone is struggling to understand, you’ll stop what you’re doing and find another way to impart information.

As a result, you could receive excellent reviews for your work; there’s even a chance you’ll be offered an overseas job.

Relocating to another part of the world could greatly improve your standard of living, so be open to experiencing a culture that is totally different from yours. While Uranus is touring your 1st House of Identity, you’re ripe for assuming a brand-new role.

Today’s energies are strong for satisfying outlets to channel excess energy, dear Taurus. You’re feeling brave with your affections, not overthinking sharing your ideas, creations, or feelings.

You can be especially excited about an idea or hobby. Emotional and mental energy levels run high. You’re also in an amazing position to gain new and interesting experiences.

Solving a problem or rising to a challenge can be rewarding. Do watch for a tendency to speak too intellectually about a matter that requires more sensitivity, or on the other side, joking too quickly about a serious matter.

Try not to react negatively toward something that appears or feels repetitive. Think of your situation as similar to being on a train, hearing the mechanical motion and allowing yourself to drift off into worlds of your own creation.

If that doesn’t work, then think about how the constant sound of rain against a window at night can send you off to sleep.

If you’re willing to connect with what’s positive within what’s monotonous, then there are ways you can draw comfort from it.

Today’s Quote: “There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you’d better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you’ll never understand what it’s saying.”

Lucky Numbers: 8, 14, 21, 22, 39, 48

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Fair

Love: Good

Business: Good

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