Be selfish Taurus. You should be honest about what you are looking for. You don’t have to hide your feelings or go over the details. It will be a great service to everyone by clearly stating your position. Do not play mind games to try and twist others into knots. These actions can come back to haunt you later.

The planets’ positions create positive energy that whispers encouraging words into your ears. This can have a positive impact on your emotional and physical life. Your emotional well-being will be directly affected by what you do for yourself. You should pay attention to how your mind affects your body’s ability to stay in tune with your emotions. Regular exercise keeps your ears open.

This day is all about bringing a smile to someone’s face because of the amazing energy in the air. You can take a moment to stop being the hardworking, serious, focused, organized, accomplished, goal-oriented, workaholic you really are and just think about other people’s feelings. Tell them that you have interests other than your most intimate love, and let them know. This could be a great way to score points.

“I promise you I will try harder to be better. I have battled with things inside me for longer than you know; I do not know what they are or why they are there, I only know that they feel manageable, defeatable, when I am around You.”

Colors of the day: Black, Violet

Lucky Numbers of the day: 7, 5

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: W, H

Cosmic Tip: Communication is going to solve all your problems.

Tips for Singles: Best time for you to express the emotions that you have towards your significant other.

Tips for Couples: There is a very high chance that you might overstretch an argument, so it is very important that you do not react to everything that your partner says.

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