Your frustration is heightened today so don’t jump to conclusions about anyone, because people may be accidentally pushing your buttons rather than irritating you on purpose.

Holding back is a better option, because when you start pointing fingers, it’s likely that you will find a few pointing right back at you. If someone is truly antagonizing you, it’s best to speak with them privately rather than blowing up in front of a group. Find out what their motivation is and protect your peace.

Beware how one tiny spark could create a raging inferno in some way now. Your passion levels are undoubtedly boosted. These can be applied positively and pleasurably, too.

But they could also provide the fuel needed to engage in something heated or confrontational. There’s no need for any situation to reach that point with the right level of patience, and that’s on offer.

You feel readier to embrace new methods and attitudes this week, dear Taurus, leaving behind those no longer serving your growth. You recognize your need to get on top of your income, security, and personal possessions, and as you do, your attention to your career and responsibilities improves.

You’re more able to focus and prioritize as a result. Quiet activities continue to figure strongly as the Moon finishes up its transit of your home and family sector in the first half of today.

After this, you’re more prepared to share yourself with the rest of the world. The Moon heads into your sector of joy, creativity, and self-expression for a couple of days.

Today’s Quote: “Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 8, 14, 16, 25, 35, 49

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

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