Venus continues to transit your sign (until June 8th), dear Taurus, and today harmonizes with Saturn helping to strengthen your relationships. This is a time for getting favorable reviews, and not just empty raves, either this is the kind of commentary that sticks around, benefiting you for some time to come.
You might establish yourself with someone special or, for some, with an audience or through advances in your field. Others are backing you up, and your sincerity is appreciated. You’re getting a solid, realistic feel of what you can and can’t handle, and it feels good to know what you’re dealing with.
This is an excellent time to seriously think about what you value and to prioritize accordingly. Later today, getting along well with others and seeking out mutual benefits in any negotiation can be helpful.
There’s an extra bounce in your step whenever you put your best foot forward today. Your effortless sincerity makes this a terrific time to meet new people and to explore untried terrain.
You feel welcomed wherever you go and can make a vibrant impression with your disarming charm. Learning strictly from books or lectures is all well and good. But it is direct experience that stirs up the most excitement and provides memories destined to last.
While the Moon’s only visit to Taurus while Venus is here is amplifying your heart’s voice, today is more about an alignment with Uranus, which is likely to trigger eureka moments.
The Moon will align with Venus tomorrow, which is when your heart, intuition, instincts and imagination will align, with today a chance to tap into your imagination in a creative way.
Having come full circle from last month’s New Moon, this is a chance to reset the intentions and resolutions made during your birthday month.
Today’s Quote: “A secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be, and then making the best of it.”
Lucky Numbers: 5, 10, 22, 33, 39, 44
Daily Compatibility: Cancer
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Excellent