Taurus, it will be difficult to maintain a calm and balanced mood today. You might be worried about conflict brewing. All will be well. Do not add pressure. It is best to go into tranquility and return to Earth after the storm passes. If they don’t, you shouldn’t attempt to unravel the knots.
Your emotions can keep you from following your instincts, which could make it difficult to express your true feelings. But don’t worry! You can learn to enjoy your downtime and reflect on the things that are important to you. There may be more things to think about than you are able to give yourself. It’s important to incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine. It’s a good workout for the body and a great way to reset your brain.
Today’s romance is more casual, but it can be difficult to know if you should go with your gut or follow your nose. You may feel tempted to pursue a relationship if it seems appealing. If your gut response is not positive, it might be wise to reconsider.
“I’ve always looked after myself. That’s why I dress myself, that’s why I speak for myself, and that’s why I remain myself. I’m quite willing to fuck things up for myself but I’m not going to have some cunt do it for me.”
Colors of the day: Green, Red
Lucky Numbers of the day: 6, 1
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: H, V
Cosmic Tip: The best way to feel confident is to increase your knowledge.
Tips for Singles: Read books. Books are our true friends who will not leave your side, no matter what.
Tips for Couples: Celebrate small successes with your partner.