The world seems to be already up and running as soon as you open your eyes! It wouldn’t be too surprising if your to-do list just keeps getting longer and longer as you go about your day.
Thankfully, these busy hours won’t continue forever — you should be able to find time for yourself by this afternoon. Don’t hesitate to let your self-care time continue into this evening; you might even want to turn in early and get some extra rest.
If you sense you do the lion’s share of work in a particular area, now is the time to address and resolve this. Somebody or others may be happy to let you take the initiative.
They may have also decided they’re no longer willing to pull their weight. Yes, an awkward conversation could be looming. But it’s necessary. Try not to delay it.
There can be minor confusing impressions and sensitivities or a feeling of being overwhelmed in spots today, dear Taurus. If so, it can be a signal to reevaluate matters and allow yourself more time.
A minor challenging aspect between Venus and Neptune might have you prioritizing your desire to keep the peace and maintain harmony. It’s best not to go overboard with this, or else you could end up feeling misunderstood or unappreciated. You could instead feel let down by a broken promise.
Don’t worry too much if you are a little out of sync with others or with your goals–it’s temporary. Look into ways to infuse more meaning, pleasure, or imagination into your work or chores.
If you find yourself restlessly indulging or craving things, it may be that you need to get in better touch with your needs. A minor challenging aspect between Mars and Saturn can complicate things further.
Focusing too much on the process of reaching your goals rather than the vision can be draining. It’s not the best day for feeling that you’re moving forward. However, you might enjoy committing to a project or health endeavor.
Today’s Quote: “Don’t let others tell you what you can’t do. Don’t let the limitations of others limit your vision. If you can remove your self-doubt and believe in yourself, you can achieve what you never thought possible.”
Creativity: Fair
Love: Fair
Business: Excellent
Lucky Numbers: 9, 12, 18, 29, 34, 48
Daily Compatibility: Pisces