You are in a position now where you might not be sure if you have anything to offer the world. Ignore this imposter syndrome and trust in your ability to calmly and thoughtfully explain things so others can understand what you’ve already mastered.

Your willingness to assist is what makes you stand out from the crowd, because being able to bring others up to where you are is admirable. Help others out and you will soon see how the help that you give cycles back around to you.

Nothing restricts your imagination now. That freedom can’t be hampered. So, allow your imagination to come up with a brainwave trying to manifest. It could reveal that a ‘red light’ you were resigned to accepting can finally turn ‘green.’

You’re in a good position to review recent ideas, projects, or decisions today, dear Taurus, particularly about business or the longer-term, bigger items.

Approaching life direction and long-term goals in new ways can be fruitful, perhaps leading to significant ideas and plans. Ambitions, career, responsibilities, or reputation issues can be in focus with the Sun’s alignment to retrograde Mercury in your solar tenth house.

Your observations today can be invaluable later, but it’s still not the best time for conclusive or definite decision-making. Certain directions your life is taking become more evident now.

While you’re making strides, be especially aware of what you say today since Mercury is retrograde in the most public area of your solar chart, and your impact is greater than usual.

Today’s Quote: “The greatest magic you have is the courage you go digging for, when your world falls apart, the light you still hold, when everything has grown dark.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 2, 7, 13, 20, 22, 38

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

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