Advice on how to run your family life may be coming your way, whether you want it or not! You might come across this advice in a book you’ve sought out yourself, or perhaps a friend just goes off unsolicited, but whatever you are hearing may not resonate with you.
If the backseat drivers seem to be missing some crucial piece of the unique dynamics of your family, you don’t have to do what they say. Your family members are individuals, and your best bet for unsnarling things with them is probably talking to them directly.
Try not to be too concerned about your contribution to a particular area. You might believe you should do more. But going above the call of duty or out on a limb isn’t necessary.
The faith-driven determination you bring in some way is all that’s needed. You can be certain this isn’t unnoticed by others, either.
With today’s Mercury-Jupiter transit, your ability to see the details and analyze matters is strong, dear Taurus. This influence can stimulate breakthrough, positive thinking, particularly with or about friends and groups, as well as long-term plans that leave you feeling excited about what’s to come.
This is an excellent time for writing, particularly about your feelings or for professional aims, such as promotion or publicity work. Sharing ideas feels good and can lead to new understanding and a wonderful sense of camaraderie and support.
Wise counsel figures strongly today, and as the day advances, sparks can fly as you’re excited about getting creative. You might develop exciting and innovative ways to improve your home or enjoy family life.
Today’s Quote: “Negative results are just what I want. They’re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don’t.”
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Excellent
Business: Good
Lucky Numbers: 2, 14, 28, 34, 40, 46
Daily Compatibility: Cancer