Where certain emotions are concerned, it really is a case of ‘better out than in.’ If you find yourself in a familiar situation where you can’t make sense of what you feel, then the best thing to do is give in.

Simple as that. Let what wants to emerge, do so. Coming up with or creating reasons to bottle up what you feel will only intensify what you want to express. Let it all out.

Emotions are coming to the surface unexpectedly, both good and bad. Why you’re feeling what you’re feeling may be a mystery to you, but this doesn’t mean you should try to brush it away in order to move past it.

Take note of what brought up these feelings and acknowledge if they’re arising now because you had pushed them down before.

Instead of backlogging more and more emotions, get them out into a journal or through creativity. Don’t be afraid of the way that you feel.

Mercury begins its transit of your social sector today, dear Taurus, and the weeks ahead are excellent for inventive thinking, fresh ideas, and interesting connections.

You’re paying particular attention to your dreams, wishes, hopes, and happiness goals during this cycle that runs until April 3rd.

Networking activities increase and stand to add something valuable to your life now. Contributing, connecting, and collaborating may bring rewards.

There can be minor tense spots today, but while you can be more reactive than usual, you’re also especially resilient, bouncing back quickly.

You can feel impulsive at times today, and attractions can be unusual or sudden but may not last for very long. Ideally, these stimulate you to think in different ways, ultimately helping you discover new tastes and perspectives.

Today’s Quote: “The answer to ‘I have no idea how I am going to get through this’ is: you allow yourself to sob, to heave, to feel as if your heart has a boulder crashing through it.””

Creativity: Fair

Love: Good

Business: Fair

Lucky Numbers: 6, 7, 14, 17, 33, 37

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

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