The Moon spends much of the day in your privacy sector, dear Taurus, and this inclines you to be a little retiring. Mercury and Venus align in this same under-the-radar area of your solar chart, and there may be private matters or secrets in focus.

You can be filled with ideas, but it may be premature to present them. Have patience, or you may reveal too much too soon. The day is strong for romantic attraction, although it’s more of a private, quiet variety.

You can be incredibly creative now, so take strong note of the impressions and visions you have today. Later today, the Moon moves into your sign, not long after which connecting with Mars, and you are stimulated and want to get in on the action!

You can feel supported and peaceful, yet pleasantly stimulated. Tonight can be very much about your needs, feelings, and desires. Expressing yourself through spontaneous and perhaps unusual activities can be especially rewarding.

Expressing your anger in a healthy manner can be a daunting task for you peace-loving Bulls. Unfortunately, sometimes suppressed emotions are just as destructive as the ones you share.

A simple unspoken truth could turn into a psychological storm that becomes the central focus of your inner world today. Instead of waiting for the lightning to strike, preemptively discuss your feelings with someone you trust.

The Sun’s return to a reflective and nostalgic part of your chart tomorrow will begin the month long wind down of your old solar year, something that happens at this time every year.

Until then, the Sun is urging you to make the most of his last full day in your friendship sector, a social and serendipitous part of your chart that is focused on personal and professional networking. While there is no danger of becoming a hermit, this is a day for being a team player.

Dr. Paul Tournier wrote, “Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets.”

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 3, 19, 20, 35, 37, 39

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

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