Things just feel right for you today. There’s a very Taurean energy in the air and you’ll find that you happen to be in the right place at the right time throughout the day.

In fact, you might even have a pleasant financial surprise. Your natural talents and personal beliefs are uniquely necessary now and others will appreciate how you’re able to provide for yourself and others with relative ease, class, and stability. What a day to enjoy!

With the Moon’s move into your solar second house today, dear Taurus, there’s a bigger focus on your possessions, money, business, or comfort matters for a couple of days.

You’re seeking a little more predictability and security. Transits today tend to draw out your practical side. It can be difficult focusing on priorities later today, but you stand to learn a lot by observation.

After three weeks of retrograde motion, the planet of communication and the mind, Mercury, turns direct tomorrow. Complications and indecisiveness will start clearing up slowly but surely as Mercury moves back over its previously covered ground.

Projects that were left hanging can begin to come together after Mercury’s direct turn in the days ahead, but during the shift, you can be in limbo. Take things easy for now. It’s important to keep an eye out for errors and miscommunications.

We can all recall times when ‘playing it safe’ was sensible, not a cop-out. If our instincts told us something was too good to be true or cautiousness was justified, then our faith is reinforced in our inner voice.

What does yours tell you about a particular scenario now? If you allow its message to blend with experience-based wisdom, then you’ll make the right decision.

Today’s Quote: “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 9, 15, 24, 28, 33

Daily Compatibility: Cancer

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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